· 42px ·

As typographers,
our first responsibility is to our readers.

Our second responsibility then,
is to honor the content.



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Measure – CSS font-size/line-height × width (px)

16/23 × 500 Casual reading is skimming over a text, reading sentences here and there (the first sentence of each paragraph, the caption, the pull quote) to get a general idea and flavor of the text. Sustained reading is engaged reading. It includes pleasure reading (pursued for its own sake) and reading for understanding. Readers slow down, read the entire text, and may go into a trancelike state.

15/22 × 500 Casual reading is skimming over a text, reading sentences here and there (the first sentence of each paragraph, the caption, the pull quote) to get a general idea and flavor of the text. Sustained reading is engaged reading. It includes pleasure reading (pursued for its own sake) and reading for understanding. Readers slow down, read the entire text, and may go into a trancelike state.

14/20 × 500 Casual reading is skimming over a text, reading sentences here and there (the first sentence of each paragraph, the caption, the pull quote) to get a general idea and flavor of the text. Sustained reading is engaged reading. It includes pleasure reading (pursued for its own sake) and reading for understanding. Readers slow down, read the entire text, and may go into a trancelike state.

13/19 × 350 Scanning with purpose is scanning down or across a text, jumping from section to section, looking for a specific piece of information. The reader may glance at the first letter or word of each section, dismissing incorrect matches and moving on.

12/18 × 350 Scanning with purpose is scanning down or across a text, jumping from section to section, looking for a specific piece of information. The reader may glance at the first letter or word of each section, dismissing incorrect matches and moving on.

11/17 × 250 Scanning with purpose is scanning down or across a text, jumping from section to section, looking for a specific piece of information. The reader may glance at the first letter or word of each section, dismissing incorrect matches and moving on.

Size – CSS font-size (px)

36 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

30 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

24 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

21 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

18 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

9 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

10 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

16 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

14 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

13 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

11 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

12 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

13 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

12 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

11 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

10 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

9 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

14 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

16 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

18 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

21 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

24 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Grayscale – CSS color (shorthand hexadecimal)

#000As typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#333As typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#666As typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#999As typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#CCCAs typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

Grayscale – CSS color (shorthand hexadecimal)

#FFFAs typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#CCCAs typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#999As typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#666As typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.

#333As typographers, our first responsibility is to our readers. Our most important job is to help our readers find, understand, and connect with the words, ideas, and information they seek. Our second responsibility then, is to honor the content. We must help to clarify and share the meaning of the texts people read.