# Copyright (C) 2004-2009, 2011-2017 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Internet Software Consortium. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH # REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, # INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM # LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. srcdir = @srcdir@ VPATH = @srcdir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ VERSION=@BIND9_VERSION@ SUBDIRS = make unit lib bin doc TARGETS = PREREQS = bind.keys.h MANPAGES = isc-config.sh.1 HTMLPAGES = isc-config.sh.html MANOBJS = README HISTORY OPTIONS ${MANPAGES} ${HTMLPAGES} @BIND9_MAKE_RULES@ newrr: cd lib/dns; ${MAKE} newrr bind.keys.h: ${top_srcdir}/bind.keys ${srcdir}/util/bindkeys.pl ${PERL} ${srcdir}/util/bindkeys.pl < ${top_srcdir}/bind.keys > $@ distclean:: rm -f config.cache config.h config.log config.status TAGS rm -f libtool isc-config.sh configure.lineno rm -f util/conf.sh docutil/docbook2man-wrapper.sh # XXX we should clean libtool stuff too. Only do this after we add rules # to make it. maintainer-clean:: rm -f configure rm -f bind.keys.h docclean manclean maintainer-clean:: rm -f ${MANOBJS} doc man:: ${MANOBJS} installdirs: $(SHELL) ${top_srcdir}/mkinstalldirs ${DESTDIR}${bindir} \ ${DESTDIR}${localstatedir}/run ${DESTDIR}${sysconfdir} $(SHELL) ${top_srcdir}/mkinstalldirs ${DESTDIR}${mandir}/man1 install:: isc-config.sh installdirs ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} isc-config.sh ${DESTDIR}${bindir} rm -f ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/bind9-config @LN@ ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/isc-config.sh ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/bind9-config ${INSTALL_DATA} ${top_srcdir}/isc-config.sh.1 ${DESTDIR}${mandir}/man1 rm -f ${DESTDIR}${mandir}/man1/bind9-config.1 @LN@ ${DESTDIR}${mandir}/man1/isc-config.sh.1 ${DESTDIR}${mandir}/man1/bind9-config.1 ${INSTALL_DATA} ${top_srcdir}/bind.keys ${DESTDIR}${sysconfdir} uninstall:: rm -f ${DESTDIR}${sysconfdir}/bind.keys rm -f ${DESTDIR}${mandir}/man1/bind9-config.1 rm -f ${DESTDIR}${mandir}/man1/isc-config.sh.1 rm -f ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/bind9-config rm -f ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/isc-config.sh tags: rm -f TAGS find lib bin -name "*.[ch]" -print | @ETAGS@ - test check: @if test -n "`${PERL} ${top_srcdir}/bin/tests/system/testsock.pl 2>&- || echo fail`"; then \ echo I: NOTE: The tests were not run because they require that; \ echo I: the IP addresses through are configured; \ echo I: as alias addresses on the loopback interface. Please run; \ echo I: \'bin/tests/system/ifconfig.sh up\' as root to configure; \ echo I: them, then rerun the tests. Run make force-test to run the; \ echo I: tests anyway.; \ exit 1; \ fi ${MAKE} test-force force-test: test-force test-force: status=0; \ (cd bin/tests && ${MAKE} ${MAKEDEFS} test) || status=1; \ (test -f unit/unittest.sh && $(SHELL) unit/unittest.sh) || status=1; \ exit $$status README: README.md ${PANDOC} --email-obfuscation=none -s -t html README.md | \ ${W3M} -dump -cols 75 -O ascii -T text/html > $@ HISTORY: HISTORY.md ${PANDOC} --email-obfuscation=none -s -t html HISTORY.md | \ ${W3M} -dump -cols 75 -O ascii -T text/html > $@ OPTIONS: OPTIONS.md ${PANDOC} --email-obfuscation=none -s -t html OPTIONS.md | \ ${W3M} -dump -cols 75 -O ascii -T text/html > $@ unit:: sh ${top_srcdir}/unit/unittest.sh clean::