PTS test results for IOPT PTS version: 6.1 Tested: 21-May-2015 Android version: 5.1 Results: PASS test passed FAIL test failed INC test is inconclusive N/A test is disabled due to PICS setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Name Result Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC_COD_BV_01_I PASS IUT must be discoverable TC_COD_BV_02_I N/A PTS issue#13473 TC_SDSS_BV_02_I PASS Note: HDP sink record should be registered before test run, e.g. register health app via HDPSample.apk TC_SDAS_BV_03_I PASS Note: HDP sink record should be registered before test run, e.g. register health app via HDPSample.apk TC_SDR_BV_04_I PASS For every asked to check PTS bt profile: haltest: bluetooth get_remote_service_record <PTS addr> <profile uuid> Note: 0000xxxx - acceptable 16bit uuid format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------