Part II. API Reference

Table of Contents

GIRepository — GObject Introspection repository manager
Struct hierarchy — Struct hierarchy description for GIBaseInfo and all its sub structs
common types — TODO
GIBaseInfo — Base struct for all GITypelib structs
GICallableInfo — Struct representing a callable
GIFunctionInfo — Struct representing a function
GICallbackInfo — Struct representing a callback
GISignalInfo — Struct representing a signal
GIVFuncInfo — Struct representing a virtual function
GIRegisteredTypeInfo — Struct representing a struct with a GType
GIEnumInfo — Structs representing an enumeration and its values
GIStructInfo — Struct representing a C structure
GIUnionInfo — Struct representing a union.
GIObjectInfo — Struct representing a GObject
GIInterfaceInfo — Struct representing a GInterface
GIArgInfo — Struct representing an argument
GIConstantInfo — Struct representing a constant
GIFieldInfo — Struct representing a struct or union field
GIPropertyInfo — Struct representing a property
GITypeInfo — Struct representing a type
GIValueInfo — Struct representing a value
gitypelib — TODO
GITypelib — Layout and accessors for typelib
girffi — TODO
The GIR XML format — The GIR XML format