LIBS = -lslang -ltinfo @LIBS@ LIBTCL = @TCL_LIB_FLAG@ CC = @CC@ CPP = @CPP@ CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ CPPFLAGS = -D_GNU_SOURCE @CPPFLAGS@ GNU_LD = @GNU_LD@ AR = @AR@ VERSION = @VERSION@ TAG = r$(subst .,-,$(VERSION)) SONAME = @SONAME@ SOEXT = so PYTHONVERS = @PYTHONVERS@ WHIPTCLLIB = @WHIPTCLLIB@ ifneq ($(WHIPTCLLIB),) WHIPTCLSO = $(WHIPTCLLIB).$(SOEXT) else WHIPTCLSO = endif PROGS = test whiptail $(WHIPTCLSO) testgrid testtree showchars showkey TESTOBJS = test.o testgrid.o testtree.o showchars.o showkey.o NDIALOGOBJS = whiptail.o dialogboxes.o WHIPTCLOBJS = shared/whiptcl.o shared/dialogboxes.o LIBNEWT = libnewt.a LIBNEWTSH = libnewt.$(SOEXT).$(VERSION) LIBNEWTSONAME = libnewt.$(SOEXT).$(SONAME) LIBOBJS = newt.o button.o form.o checkbox.o entry.o label.o listbox.o \ scrollbar.o textbox.o scale.o grid.o windows.o buttonbar.o \ checkboxtree.o ifneq ($(GNU_LD),) SHLIBFLAGS= -Wl,--version-script,newt.0.52.ver -Wl,-soname,$(LIBNEWTSONAME) else SHLIBFLAGS= endif SHCFLAGS = -fPIC prefix = @prefix@ includedir = @includedir@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ libdir = @libdir@ bindir = @bindir@ datadir = @datadir@ datarootdir = @datarootdir@ mandir = @mandir@ man1dir = $(mandir)/man1 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig instroot ?= $(DESTDIR) #-------------------------------------- SOURCES = $(subst .o,.c,$(TESTOBJS) $(NDIALOGOBJS) $(LIBOBJS)) SHAREDDIR = shared SHAREDOBJS = $(patsubst %,$(SHAREDDIR)/%, $(LIBOBJS)) ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend)) TARGET=$(PROGS) else TARGET=depend $(PROGS) endif all: $(TARGET) _snack.$(SOEXT) test: test.o $(LIBNEWT) $(CC) -g -o test test.o $(LIBNEWT) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) testgrid: testgrid.o $(LIBNEWT) $(CC) -g -o testgrid testgrid.o $(LIBNEWT) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) testtree: testtree.o $(LIBNEWT) $(CC) -g -o testtree testtree.o $(LIBNEWT) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) showchars: showchars.o $(LIBNEWT) $(CC) -g -o showchars showchars.o $(LIBNEWT) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) showkey: showkey.o $(LIBNEWT) $(CC) -g -o showkey showkey.o $(LIBNEWT) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) _snack.$(SOEXT): snack.c $(LIBNEWTSH) @[ -n "$(PYTHONVERS)" ] && for ver in $(PYTHONVERS); do \ pyconfig=$$ver-config; \ if ! $$pyconfig --cflags > /dev/null 2>&1 && \ python-config --cflags > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo $$pyconfig not found, using python-config; \ pyconfig=python-config; \ fi; \ mkdir -p $$ver; \ PCFLAGS=`$$pyconfig --cflags`; \ PIFLAGS=`$$pyconfig --includes`; \ PLDFLAGS=`$$pyconfig --ldflags`; \ PLFLAGS=`$$pyconfig --libs`; \ echo $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SHCFLAGS) $$PIFLAGS $$PCFLAGS -c -o $$ver/snack.o snack.c; \ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SHCFLAGS) $$PIFLAGS $$PCFLAGS -c -o $$ver/snack.o snack.c; \ echo $(CC) --shared $$PLDFLAGS $$PLFLAGS $(LDFLAGS) -o $$ver/_snack.$(SOEXT) $$ver/snack.o -L. -lnewt $(LIBS); \ $(CC) --shared $$PLDFLAGS $$PLFLAGS $(LDFLAGS) -o $$ver/_snack.$(SOEXT) $$ver/snack.o -L. -lnewt $(LIBS); \ done || : touch $@ whiptail: $(NDIALOGOBJS) $(LIBNEWTSH) $(CC) -g -o whiptail $(NDIALOGOBJS) -L. $(LDFLAGS) -lnewt $(LIBS) -lpopt whiptcl.$(SOEXT): $(WHIPTCLOBJS) $(LIBNEWTSH) $(CC) -shared $(SHCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o whiptcl.$(SOEXT) $(WHIPTCLOBJS) -L. -lnewt $(LIBTCL) -lpopt $(LIBS) $(LIBNEWT): $(LIBOBJS) $(AR) rv $@ $^ newt.o $(SHAREDDIR)/newt.o: newt.c Makefile veryclean: clean rm -f .depend *.pc clean: rm -f $(PROGS) *.o $(LIBNEWT) core $(LIBNEWTSH) \ $(SHAREDDIR)/*.o *.$(SOEXT)* depend: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -M $(SOURCES) > .depend $(SHAREDDIR): mkdir -p $(SHAREDDIR) sharedlib: $(LIBNEWTSH) $(LIBNEWTSH): $(SHAREDOBJS) $(CC) -shared -o $(LIBNEWTSH) $(SHLIBFLAGS) $(SHAREDOBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) ln -fs $(LIBNEWTSONAME) libnewt.$(SOEXT) ln -fs $(LIBNEWTSH) $(LIBNEWTSONAME) $(SHAREDDIR)/%.o : %.c $(SHAREDDIR) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SHCFLAGS) -o $@ $< install: $(LIBNEWT) install-sh whiptail [ -d $(instroot)/$(bindir) ] || install -m 755 -d $(instroot)/$(bindir) [ -d $(instroot)/$(libdir) ] || install -m 755 -d $(instroot)/$(libdir) [ -d $(instroot)/$(includedir) ] || install -m 755 -d $(instroot)/$(includedir) [ -d $(instroot)/$(man1dir) ] || install -m 755 -d $(instroot)/$(man1dir) [ -d $(instroot)/$(pkgconfigdir) ] || install -m 755 -d $(instroot)/$(pkgconfigdir) install -m 644 newt.h $(instroot)/$(includedir) install -m 644 $(LIBNEWT) $(instroot)/$(libdir) install -m 755 whiptail $(instroot)/$(bindir) install -m 644 whiptail.1 $(instroot)/$(man1dir) make -C po datadir=$(instroot)/$(datadir) install install -m 644 libnewt.pc $(instroot)/$(pkgconfigdir) install-sh: sharedlib $(WHIPTCLSO) _snack.$(SOEXT) [ -d $(instroot)/$(libdir) ] || install -m 755 -d $(instroot)/$(libdir) install -m 755 $(LIBNEWTSH) $(instroot)/$(libdir) ln -sf $(LIBNEWTSONAME) $(instroot)/$(libdir)/libnewt.$(SOEXT) ln -sf $(LIBNEWTSH) $(instroot)/$(libdir)/$(LIBNEWTSONAME) [ -n "$(WHIPTCLSO)" ] && install -m 755 whiptcl.$(SOEXT) $(instroot)/$(libdir) || : [ -n "$(PYTHONVERS)" ] && for ver in $(PYTHONVERS) ; do \ [ -d $(instroot)/$(libdir)/$$ver/site-packages ] || install -m 755 -d $(instroot)/$(libdir)/$$ver/site-packages ;\ install -m 755 $$ver/_snack.$(SOEXT) $(instroot)/$(libdir)/$$ver/site-packages ;\ install -m 644 $(instroot)/$(libdir)/$$ver/site-packages ;\ done || : Makefile: @echo "You need to rerun ./ and ./configure before continuing" @exit 1 create-archive: Makefile @rm -rf /tmp/newt-$(VERSION) @git archive --prefix=newt-$(VERSION)/ $(TAG) | tar x -C /tmp @cd /tmp/newt-$(VERSION) && ./ && rm -rf autom4te.cache .gitignore @cd /tmp; tar c --owner root --group root newt-$(VERSION) | gzip -9 > newt-$(VERSION).tar.gz @rm -rf /tmp/newt-$(VERSION) @cp /tmp/newt-$(VERSION).tar.gz . @rm -f /tmp/newt-$(VERSION).tar.gz @echo " " @echo "The final archive is ./newt-$(VERSION).tar.gz." tag-archive: Makefile @git tag $(TAG) archive: tag-archive create-archive upload-archive: scp -p newt-$(VERSION).tar.gz ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend)) include .depend endif