========================================= D-Bus Python bindings - notes for hackers ========================================= :Author: Simon McVittie, `Collabora`_ :Date: 2007-01-24 .. _Collabora: http://www.collabora.co.uk/ Upstream development ==================== dbus-python is developed at freedesktop.org using ``git``. See UsingGit_ for some details. .. _UsingGit: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/UsingGit Anonymous access ``git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/dbus/dbus-python`` Committer access (requires freedesktop.org shell account) ``git clone git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/dbus/dbus-python`` dbus-gmain is maintained via `git subtree`. To update, assuming you have a checkout of the dbus-gmain branch of the dbus-glib repository in ../dbus-gmain:: git subtree pull -P dbus-gmain ../dbus-gmain HEAD Modules ======= ``dbus``, ``dbus.service`` and ``dbus.mainloop`` are core public API. ``dbus.lowlevel`` provides a lower-level public API for advanced use. ``dbus.mainloop.glib`` is the public API for the GLib main loop integration. ``dbus.types`` and ``dbus.exceptions`` are mainly for backwards compatibility - use ``dbus`` instead in new code. Ditto ``dbus.glib``. ``dbus._dbus``, ``dbus.introspect_parser``, ``dbus.proxies`` are internal implementation details. ``_dbus_bindings`` is the real implementation of the Python/libdbus integration, while ``_dbus_bindings`` is the real implementation of Python/libdbus-glib integration. Neither is public API, although some of the classes and functions are exposed as public API in other modules. Threading/locking model ======================= All Python functions must be called with the GIL (obviously). Before calling into any D-Bus function that can block, release the GIL; as well as the usual "be nice to other threads", D-Bus does its own locking and we don't want to deadlock with it. Most Connection methods can block. Other notes =========== Code needs to be Python 2.5 compatible - use Py_ssize_t where appropriate. See http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0353/ for details. Indentation and other holy wars =============================== Python code is meant to follow PEP8, and has 4-space indentation, no hard tabs. C code is meant to follow what PEP7 refers to as "Python 3000" style - 4-space indentation, no hard tabs, otherwise consistent with historical Python 2.x code. Docstrings etc. are reStructuredText.