noptrace.stp - Disable ptrace from Hierarchies of Processes Blocks ptrace(2) attempts from processes identified by stap -c/-x, as also specifiable from /proc/systemtap/stap_XXX/ control files. Processes may be added or removed from the blocked list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Example: block ptrace(2) from a given subprocess hierarchy. % echo $$ 9898 (in other shell) # stap -g noptrace.stp -x 9898 & (in original shell) % strace ls strace: ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, ...): No such process +++ exited with 1 +++ % bash # create a child process bash-4.3$ strace ls strace: ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, ...): No such process +++ exited with 1 +++ bash-4.3$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Example: block ptrace(2) with a manually managed process list % echo $$ 8282 (in other shell) # stap -g noptrace.stp & # cd /proc/systemtap/stap_* # cat blocked [empty] # echo 8282 > block (in original shell) % do stuff % strace ls [doesn't work] % do more stuff (in other shell) # cat blocked # child processes 8282 8294 8322 8348 # echo 8282 > unblock (in original shell) % strace ls [now works]