# Path setup # SCRIPT_PATH=@sysconfdir@/systemtap/script.d # CONFIG_PATH=@sysconfdir@/systemtap/conf.d # CACHE_PATH=@localstatedir@/cache/systemtap # STAT_PATH=@localstatedir@/run/systemtap # TEMP_PATH=/tmp # LOG_FILE=@localstatedir@/log/systemtap.log # Fail unless all scripts succeeded to run # PASSALL=yes # Always follows script dependencies # RECURSIVE=no # Automatically recompile scripts if caches are old or do not exist. # AUTOCOMPILE=yes # Start these scripts by default. If omitted, all scripts are started. # DEFAULT_START= # Log boot-time staprun stderr to /var/run/systemtap/$script.log # LOG_BOOT_ERR=no