Use man pages to check command line arguments in configuration: man thermald man thermal-conf.xml Prerequisites: Kernel Prefers kernel with Intel RAPL power capping driver : Available from Linux kernel 3.13.rc1 Intel P State driver (Available in Linux kernel stable release) Intel Power clamp driver (Available in Linux kernel stable release) CONFIG_X86_MSR, so that x86 MSR can be read/write from user space to control RAPL if no RAPL powecap class driver is not present. Default If none of the above available cpufreq to control P states. Building and executing on Fedora 1. Install yum install automake yum install gcc yum install gcc-c++ yum install glib-devel yum install dbus-glib-devel yum install libxml2-devel 2 Build ./ ./configure prefix=/ make sudo make install 3 - start service sudo systemctl start thermald.service - Get status sudo systemctl status thermald.service - Stop service sudo systemctl stop thermald.service 4. Terminate using DBUS I/F sudo test/ and select "TERMINATE" choice. Building on Ubuntu 1. Install sudo apt-get install autoconf sudo apt-get install g++ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-dev sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev 2 Build ./ ./configure prefix=/usr make sudo make install (It will give error for systemd configuration, but ignore) cp data/thermald.conf /etc/init/ 3. If using upstart Use "sudo start thermald" to start Use "sudo stop thermald" to stop If using systemd, use - start service sudo systemctl start thermald.service - Get status sudo systemctl status thermald.service - Stop service sudo systemctl stop thermald.service ------------------------------------------- Releases Release 1.7.1 - Removed dptfxtract binary as there is an issue in packaging this with GPL source for distributions Release 1.7 - Add GeminiLake - Add dptfxtract tool, which converts DPTF tables to thermald tables using best effort - Changes to accommodate dptfxtract tool conversions - Better facility to configure fan controls - PID control optimization - Fix powerlimit write errors because of bad FW settings of power limits - More restrictive compile options and warnings as errors - Improve logging - Android build fixes Release 1.6 - Add Kabylake and missing Broadwell CPU model - Removed deprecated modules - Added passive trip between critical and max, to allow fan to take control first - Fixed clash when multiple zones and trips controlling same cdev 1.5.4 - Use Processor thermal device in lieu of CPU zone when present - Haswell/Skylake PCH sensor - Fix regression in LCD/Backlight path Release 1.5.3 - PCH sensor support Release 1.5.2 - Security bug for bios lock fix Release 1.5.1 - Regression fix for the default config file location Release 1.5 - Default warning level increase so that doesn't print much in logs - Add new feature to set specific target state on reaching a threshold, this allows multiple thresholds (trips) - Android update for build - Additional backlight devices - New option to specify config file via command line - Prevent adding cooling device in /etc via dbus - Whitelist of processor models, to avoid startup on server platforms Release 1.4.3 - One new dbus message to get temp - Fixes to prevent warnings Release 1.4 - Extension of DBUS I/F for developing Monitoring and Control GUI - Added exampled to thermal-conf man page - Support INT340X class of thermal control introduced in kernel 4.0 - Reinit without restart thermald to load new parameters like new control temperature - Fix indexes when Linux thermal sysfs doesn't have contiguous zone numbering - Support for new Intel SoC platforms - Introduce back-light control as the Linux back light cooling device is removed - Restore modified passive trip points in thermal zones on exit - Virtual Sensor definition - Fix loop when uevents floods the system - Error message removal for rapl sysfs traversal - Coverity error Release 1.3 - Auto creation of configuration based on ACPI thermal relationship table - Default CPU bound load check for unbinded thermal sensors Release 1.2 - Several fixes for Klocworks and Coverity scans (0 issues remaining) - Baytrail RAPL support as this doesn't have max power limit value Release 1.1 - Use powercap Intel RAPL driver - Use skin temperature sensor by default if available - Specify thermal relationship - Clean up for MSR related controls as up stream kernel driver are capable now - Override capability of thermal sysfs for a specific sensor or zone - Friendly to new thermal sysfs Release 1.04 - Android and chrome os integration - Minor fixes for buggy max temp Release 1.03 - Allow negative step increments while configuring via XML - Use powercap RAPL driver I/F - Additional cpuids in the list - Add man page with details of usage - Added P state turbo on/off Release 1.02 - Allow user to change the max temperarure via dbus message - Allow user to change the cooling method order via an XML configuration - Upstart fixes - Valgrind and zero warnings on build Release 1.01 - Implement RAPL using MSRs. - User can configure cooling device order via XML config file - Fix sensor path configuration for thermal-conf.xml, so that user cn specify custom sensor paths - Use CPU max scaling frequency to control CPU Frequencies - RPM generation scripts - Build and formatting fixes from Alexander Bersenev Release 1.0 - Tested on multiple platforms - Using PID version 0.9 - Replaced netlink with uevents - Fix issue with pre-configured thermal data to control daemon - Use pthreads version 0.8 - Fix RAPL PATH, which is submitted upstream - Handle case when there is no MSR access from user mode - Allow non Intel CPUs version 0.7 - Conditional per cpu control - Family id check - If no max use offset from critical temperature - Switch to hwmon if there is no coretemp - Error handling if MSR support is not enabled in kernel - Code clean up and comments Version 0.6 - Use Intel P state driver to control P states - Use RAPL cooling device - Fix valgrind reported errors and cleanup - Add document Version 0.5 - License update to GPL v2 or later - Change dbus session bus to system - Load thermal-conf.xml data if exact UUID match Version 0.4 - Added power clamp driver interface - Added per cpu controls by trying to calibrate in the background to learn sensor cpu relationship - Optimized p states and turbo states and cleaned up - systemd and service start stop interface Version 0.3 - Added P states t states turbo states as the cooling methods - No longer depend on any thermal sysfs, zone cooling device by default - Uses DTS core temperature and p/turbo/t states to cool system - By default only will use DTS core temperature and p/turbo/t states only - All the previous controls based on the zones/cdevs and XML configuration is only done, when activated via command line - The set points are calculated and stored in a config file when it hits thermal threshold and adjusted based on slope and angular increments to dynamically adjust set point Version 0.2 - Define XML interface to set configuration data. Refere to thermal-conf.xml. This allows to overide buggy Bios thermal comfiguration and also allows to extend the capability. - Use platform DMI UUID to index into configuration data. If there is no UUID match, falls back to thermal sysfs - Terminate interface - Takes over control from kernel thermal processing - Clean up of classes. Version 0.1 - Dbus interface to set preferred policy: "performance", "quiet/power", "disabled" - Defines a C++ classes for zones, cooling devices, trip points, thermal engine - Methods can be overridden in a custom class to modify default behaviour - Read thermal zone and cooling devices, trip points etc, - Read temprature via netlink notification or via polling configurable via command line - Once a trip point is crossed, activate the associate cooling devices. Start with min tstate to max tstate for each cooling device. - Based on active or passive settings it decides the cooling devices