cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW) project(mocDepends CXX) if (QT_TEST_VERSION STREQUAL 4) find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED) set(QT_CORE_TARGET Qt4::QtCore) else() if (NOT QT_TEST_VERSION STREQUAL 5) message(SEND_ERROR "Invalid Qt version specified.") endif() #find_package(Qt5Core REQUIRED) set(QT_CORE_TARGET Qt5::Core) endif() include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(CSD ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(CBD ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) # -- Test dependency on header generated by a custom command # # The ORIGIN_autogen target must depend on the same *GENERATED* source files as # the ORIGIN target. This is a requirement to ensure that all files for the # ORIGIN target are generated before the ORIGIN_autogen target is built. # # This tests the dependency of the mocDepGenFile_autogen target of # mocDepGenFile to the source file GenFile.hpp, which is *GENERATED* # by a custom command. # If mocDepGenFile_autogen gets built *before* or in *parallel* to the # custom command, the build will fail. That's because GenFile.hpp, # which is required by mocDepGenFile_autogen, is only valid after the # custom command has been completed. # # The sleep seconds artificially increase the build time of the custom command # to simulate a slow file generation process that takes longer to run than # the build of the mocDepGenFile_autogen target. add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CBD}/GenFile.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/GenFile.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 3 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/GenFile.hpp) add_executable(mocDepGenFile testGenFile.cpp ${CBD}/GenFile.hpp) target_link_libraries(mocDepGenFile ${QT_CORE_TARGET}) set_target_properties(mocDepGenFile PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE) # -- Test dependency on header generating custom target # # The ORIGIN_autogen target must depend on the same user defined targets # as the ORIGIN target. This is a requirement to ensure that all files for the # ORIGIN target are generated before the ORIGIN_autogen target is built. # # This tests the dependency of the mocDepTarget_autogen target of # mocDepTarget to the utility target mocDepTargetUtil. # If mocDepTarget_autogen gets built *before* or in *parallel* to # mocDepTargetUtil, the build will fail. That's # because GenTarget.hpp, which is required by mocDepTarget_autogen, # is only valid after the mocDepTargetUtil build has been completed. # # The sleep seconds artificially increase the build time of mocDepTargetUtil # to simulate a slow utility target build that takes longer to run than # the build of the mocDepTarget_autogen target. add_custom_target(mocDepTargetUtil BYPRODUCTS ${CBD}/GenTarget.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/GenTarget.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 3 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/GenTarget.hpp) add_executable(mocDepTarget testGenTarget.cpp) target_link_libraries(mocDepTarget ${QT_CORE_TARGET}) set_target_properties(mocDepTarget PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE) add_dependencies(mocDepTarget mocDepTargetUtil) # -- Test 3: Depend on generated linked library # The ORIGIN_autogen target must depend on the same linked libraries # as the ORIGIN target. This is a requirement to ensure that all files for the # ORIGIN target are generated before the ORIGIN_autogen target is built. # # This tests the dependency of the mocDepGenLib_autogen target of mocDepGenLib # to the user generated library SimpleLib, which mocDepGenLib links to. # If mocDepGenLib_autogen gets built *before* or in *parallel* to SimpleLib, # the build will fail. That's because simpleLib.hpp, which is required by # mocDepGenLib_autogen, is only valid after the SimpleLib build has been # completed. # # The sleep seconds artificially increase the build time of SimpleLib # to simulate a slow utility library build that takes longer to run than # the build of the mocDepGenLib_autogen target. add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CBD}/simpleLib.hpp ${CBD}/simpleLib.cpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/simpleLib.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 3 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/simpleLib.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/simpleLib.cpp) add_library(SimpleLib STATIC ${CBD}/simpleLib.hpp ${CBD}/simpleLib.cpp) target_link_libraries(SimpleLib ${QT_CORE_TARGET}) add_executable(mocDepGenLib testGenLib.cpp) target_link_libraries(mocDepGenLib SimpleLib ${QT_CORE_TARGET}) set_target_properties(mocDepGenLib PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE) # -- Test AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS with GENERATED file dependency # # This tests the dependency of the mocDepATDFile_autogen target of # mocDepATDTarget to the utility target mocDepATDFileUtil. # If mocDepATDFile_autogen gets built *before* or in *parallel* to # mocDepATDFileUtil, the build will fail. That's # because ATDFile.hpp, which is required by mocDepATDFile_autogen, # is only valid after the mocDepATDFileUtil build has been completed. # # The sleep seconds artificially increase the build time of # mocDepATDFileUtil to simulate a slow utility target build that takes # longer to run than the build of the mocDepATDFile_autogen target. add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CBD}/ATDFile.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/ATDFile.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 3 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/ATDFile.hpp) add_executable(mocDepATDFile testATDFile.cpp) target_link_libraries(mocDepATDFile ${QT_CORE_TARGET}) set_target_properties(mocDepATDFile PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE) set_target_properties(mocDepATDFile PROPERTIES AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS ${CBD}/ATDFile.hpp) # -- Test AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS with target dependency # # This tests the dependency of the mocDepATDTarget_autogen target of # mocDepATDTarget to the utility target mocDepATDTargetUtil. # If mocDepATDTarget_autogen gets built *before* or in *parallel* to # mocDepATDTargetUtil, the build will fail. That's # because ATDTarget.hpp, which is required by mocDepATDTarget_autogen, # is only valid after the mocDepATDTargetUtil build has been completed. # # The sleep seconds artificially increase the build time of # mocDepATDTargetUtil to simulate a slow utility target build that takes # longer to run than the build of the mocDepATDTarget_autogen target. add_custom_target(mocDepATDTargetUtil BYPRODUCTS ${CBD}/ATDTarget.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/ATDTarget.hpp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 3 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CSD}/ ${CBD}/ATDTarget.hpp) add_executable(mocDepATDTarget testATDTarget.cpp) target_link_libraries(mocDepATDTarget ${QT_CORE_TARGET}) set_target_properties(mocDepATDTarget PROPERTIES AUTOMOC TRUE) set_target_properties(mocDepATDTarget PROPERTIES AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS mocDepATDTargetUtil)