Index of /tmp/work/x86_64-linux/meson-native/0.44.1-r0/meson-0.44.1/test cases/failing
Parent Directory
1 project not first/
10 out of bounds/
11 object arithmetic/
12 string arithmetic/
13 array arithmetic/
14 invalid option name/
15 kwarg before arg/
16 extract from subproject/
17 same name/
18 wrong plusassign/
19 target clash/
2 missing file/
20 version/
21 subver/
22 assert/
23 rel testdir/
25 int conversion/
26 badlang/
27 output subdir/
28 noprog use/
29 no crossprop/
3 missing subdir/
30 nested ternary/
31 invalid man extension/
32 no man extension/
33 exe static shared/
34 non-root subproject/
35 dependency not-required then required/
36 project argument after target/
37 pkgconfig dependency impossible conditions/
38 has function external dependency/
39 libdir must be inside prefix/
4 missing
40 prefix absolute/
41 kwarg assign/
42 custom target plainname many inputs/
43 custom target outputs not matching install_dirs/
44 project name colon/
45 abs subdir/
46 abspath to srcdir/
47 pkgconfig variables reserved/
48 pkgconfig variables zero length/
49 pkgconfig variables zero length value/
5 misplaced option/
50 pkgconfig variables not key value/
51 executable comparison/
52 inconsistent comparison/
53 slashname/
54 reserved meson prefix/
55 wrong shared crate type/
56 wrong static crate type/
57 or on new line/
58 kwarg in module/
59 link with executable/
6 missing incdir/
60 assign custom target index/
61 getoption prefix/
62 bad option argument/
63 subproj filegrab/
64 grab subproj/
65 grab sibling/
66 string as link target/
67 dependency not-found and required/
69 wrong boost module/
7 go to subproject/
8 recursive/
9 missing extra file/