OPAL_POLL_EVENTS ---------------- Poll for outstanding events. Fills in a bitmask of pending events. Current events are: OPAL_EVENT_OPAL_INTERNAL = 0x1 ------------------------------ Currently unused. OPAL_EVENT_NVRAM = 0x2 ---------------------- Unused OPAL_EVENT_RTC = 0x4 -------------------- TODO: clean this up, this is just copied from hw/fsp/fsp-rtc.c: * Because the RTC calls can be pretty slow, these functions will shoot * an asynchronous request to the FSP (if none is already pending) * * The requests will return OPAL_BUSY_EVENT as long as the event has * not been completed. * * WARNING: An attempt at doing an RTC write while one is already pending * will simply ignore the new arguments and continue returning * OPAL_BUSY_EVENT. This is to be compatible with existing Linux code. * * Completion of the request will result in an event OPAL_EVENT_RTC * being signaled, which will remain raised until a corresponding call * to opal_rtc_read() or opal_rtc_write() finally returns OPAL_SUCCESS, * at which point the operation is complete and the event cleared. * * If we end up taking longer than rtc_read_timeout_ms millieconds waiting * for the response from a read request, we simply return a cached value (plus * an offset calculated from the timebase. When the read request finally * returns, we update our cache value accordingly. * * There is two separate set of state for reads and writes. If both are * attempted at the same time, the event bit will remain set as long as either * of the two has a pending event to signal. OPAL_EVENT_CONSOLE_OUTPUT = 0x8 ------------------------------- TODO OPAL_EVENT_CONSOLE_INPUT = 0x10 ------------------------------- TODO OPAL_EVENT_ERROR_LOG_AVAIL = 0x20 --------------------------------- TODO OPAL_EVENT_ERROR_LOG = 0x40 --------------------------- TODO OPAL_EVENT_EPOW = 0x80 ---------------------- TODO OPAL_EVENT_LED_STATUS = 0x100 ----------------------------- TODO OPAL_EVENT_PCI_ERROR = 0x200 ---------------------------- TODO OPAL_EVENT_DUMP_AVAIL = 0x400 ----------------------------- Signifies that there is a pending system dump available. See OPAL_DUMP suite of calls for details. OPAL_EVENT_MSG_PENDING = 0x800,