# This file contains the common functions used in all quilt script # It is meant to be sourced by bash scripts. # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # See the COPYING and AUTHORS files for more details. export TEXTDOMAIN=quilt export TEXTDOMAINDIR=@LOCALEDIR@ : ${LC_CTYPE:=$LANG} : ${LC_MESSAGES:=$LANG} ORIGINAL_LANG=$LANG export LANG=POSIX DB_VERSION=2 : ${QUILT_PC:=.pc} # Support compatibility layer if [ -d $QUILT_DIR/compat ] then export PATH="$QUILT_DIR/compat:$PATH" fi unset CDPATH shopt -s dotglob if [ -e "$QUILTRC" ] then source "$QUILTRC" fi # Add default arguments for this command if [ -n "$QUILT_COMMAND" ]; then args="QUILT_$(echo $QUILT_COMMAND | tr a-z A-Z)_ARGS" eval set -- ${!args} \"\$@\" unset args fi . $QUILT_DIR/scripts/utilfns # ======================================================== declare -a exit_handlers add_exit_handler() { exit_handlers[${#exit_handlers[@]}]=$1 } remove_exit_handler() { declare -a handlers local h for h in "${exit_handlers[@]}" do [ "$h" = "$1" ] && continue handlers[${#handlers[@]}]=$h done exit_handlers=( "${handlers[@]}" ) } run_exit_handlers() { local h for h in "${exit_handlers[@]}" do eval $h done } trap run_exit_handlers EXIT # ======================================================== # Join multiple stings using the given separator. array_join() { local sep=$1 str=$2 shift 2 printf %s "$str" for str in "$@" do printf %s%s "$sep" "$str" done } # Quote a string for use in a basic regular expression. quote_bre() { echo "$1" | sed -e 's:\([][^$/.*\\]\):\\\1:g' } # Quote a string for use in an extended regular expression. quote_re() { echo "$1" | sed -e 's:\([][?{(|)}^$/.+*\\]\):\\\1:g' } # Quote a string for use in a globing pattern. quote_glob() { echo "$1" | sed -e 's:\([][*?\\]\):\\\1:g' } patch_file_name() { echo "$QUILT_PATCHES/$1" } # The -pN option and possibly others that should be passed to patch. patch_args() { local patch=$1 if [ -e $SERIES ] then awk ' {sub(/(^|[ \t]+)#.*/, "") } $1 == "'"$patch"'" \ { p_printed=0 for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) { print $i if ($i ~ /^-p/) p_printed=1 } if (!p_printed) print "-p1" ; exit } ' $SERIES fi } patch_strip_level() { local patch=$1 i for i in $(patch_args $patch) do case $i in -p*) echo ${i:2} return ;; esac done echo "1" } # Also remove -R if present. change_db_strip_level() { local level=$1 patch=$2 if [ x$level != x-p1 ] then level="$level" else level="" fi if [ -e $SERIES ] then local tmpfile=$(gen_tempfile) awk ' function remove_arg(nr, j) { for (j=nr; j=nr; j--) $(j+1)=$j $nr=value } /^'"$(quote_re $patch)"'([ \t]|$)/ \ { p_printed=0 for (i=2; i<=NF && $i !~ /^#/; i++) { if ($i ~ /^-p/) { if ("'"$level"'" == "") remove_arg(i--) else $i="'"$level"'" p_printed=1 continue } if ($i == "-R") { remove_arg(i--) continue } } if (!p_printed && "'"$level"'" != "") insert_arg(2, "'"$level"'") } { print } ' $SERIES > $tmpfile if ! cmp $SERIES $tmpfile >/dev/null 2>/dev/null then cat $tmpfile > $SERIES fi rm -f $tmpfile else return 1 fi } patch_in_series() { local patch=$1 if [ -e $SERIES ] then grep -q "^$(quote_bre $patch)\([ \t]\|$\)" $SERIES else return 1 fi } # Insert new patch after topmost patch insert_in_series() { local patch=$1 patch_args=$2 local before tmpfile if [ -e "$SERIES" -a ! -f "$SERIES" ]; then printf $"%s is not a regular file\n" "$SERIES" >&2 return 1 fi before=${3-$(patch_after "$(top_patch)")} if [ -n "$patch_args" ] then patch_args=" $patch_args" fi tmpfile=$(gen_tempfile) || return 1 mkdir -p $(dirname $SERIES) if [ -n "$before" ] then awk ' /^'"$(quote_re $before)"'([ \t]|$)/ \ { print "'"$patch$patch_args"'" } { print } ' "$SERIES" > $tmpfile status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ] then rm -f $tmpfile return 1 fi else if [ -e "$SERIES" ] then cat "$SERIES" > $tmpfile fi echo "$patch$patch_args" >> $tmpfile fi cat $tmpfile > "$SERIES" rm -f $tmpfile } remove_from_series() { local patch=$1 tmpfile=$(gen_tempfile) || return 1 awk ' ! /^'"$(quote_re $patch)"'([ \t]|$)/ \ { print } ' $SERIES > $tmpfile if [ $? -ne 0 ] then rm -f $tmpfile return 1 fi cat $tmpfile > $SERIES rm -f $tmpfile } rename_in_series() { local from=$1 to=$2 tmpfile=$(gen_tempfile) || return 1 awk ' /^'"$(quote_re $from)"'([ \t]|$)/ \ { sub(/'"$(quote_re $from)"'/, "'"${to//\"/\\\"}"'") good=1 } { print } END { exit(! good) } ' $SERIES > $tmpfile if [ $? -ne 0 ] then rm -f $tmpfile return 1 fi cat $tmpfile > $SERIES rm -f $tmpfile } rename_in_db() { local from=$1 to=$2 local tmpfile tmpfile=$(gen_tempfile) || return 1 awk ' /^'"$(quote_re $from)"'$/ \ { sub(/'"$(quote_re $from)"'/, "'"${to//\"/\\\"}"'") good=1 } { print } END { exit(! good) } ' $DB > $tmpfile if [ $? -eq 0 ] then cat $tmpfile > $DB rm -f $tmpfile else rm -f $tmpfile return 1 fi } backup_file_name() { local patch=$1 while [ $# -gt 1 ] do echo "$QUILT_PC/$patch/$2" shift done } cat_series() { if [ -e $SERIES ] then sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/^[ '$'\t'']*//' \ -e 's/[ '$'\t''].*//' -e '/^$/d' $SERIES else return 1 fi } top_patch() { local patch=$(tail -n 1 $DB 2>/dev/null) [ -n "$patch" ] && echo "$patch" } is_numeric() { [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] } is_applied() { local patch=$1 [ -e $DB ] || return 1 grep -q "^$(quote_bre $patch)\$" $DB } applied_patches() { [ -e $DB ] || return 1 cat $DB } applied_before() { local patch=$1 if [ -n "$patch" ] then awk ' $0 == "'"$patch"'" { exit } { print } ' $DB fi } patches_before() { local patch=$1 if [ -n "$patch" ] then cat_series \ | awk ' $0 == "'"$patch"'" { exit } { print } ' fi } patches_after() { local patch=$1 if [ -n "$patch" ] then cat_series \ | awk ' seen == 1 { print } $0 == "'"$patch"'" { seen=1 } ' else cat_series fi } patch_after() { local patch="$1" patch=$(patches_after "$patch" | head -n 1) [ -n "$patch" ] && echo "$patch" } # List all patches that have been applied on top of patch $1 patches_on_top_of() { local patch=$1 [ -e $DB ] || return awk ' $0 == "'"$patch"'" { seen=1 ; next } seen == 1 { print } ' $DB } # Print the name of the patch that modified the file $2 next after # patch $1, or print nothing if patch $1 is on top. next_patch_for_file() { local patch=$1 file=$2 local patches_on_top=$(patches_on_top_of $patch) if [ -n "$patches_on_top" ] then for patch in $patches_on_top do if file_in_patch "$file" $patch then echo $patch break fi done fi } add_to_db() { echo $1 >> $DB } remove_from_db() { local patch=$1 local tmpfile if tmpfile=$(gen_tempfile) then grep -v "^$(quote_bre $patch)\$" $DB > $tmpfile cat $tmpfile > $DB rm -f $tmpfile [ -s $DB ] || rm -f $DB fi } find_first_patch() { local patch=$(cat_series | head -n 1) if [ -z "$patch" ] then if [ -e "$SERIES" ] then printf $"No patches in series\n" >&2 else printf $"No series file found\n" >&2 fi return 1 fi echo "$patch" } find_last_patch() { local patch=$(cat_series | tail -n 1) if [ -z "$patch" ] then if [ -e "$SERIES" ] then printf $"No patches in series\n" >&2 else printf $"No series file found\n" >&2 fi return 1 fi echo "$patch" } find_top_patch() { if ! top_patch then if find_first_patch > /dev/null then printf $"No patches applied\n" >&2 fi return 1 fi } find_patch() { local name="$1" if [ -e "$SERIES" ] then if ! [ -f "$SERIES" ] then printf $"%s is not a regular file\n" "$SERIES" >&2 return 1 fi local patch=${1#$SUBDIR_DOWN$QUILT_PATCHES/} local bre=$(quote_bre "$patch") set -- $(sed -e "/^$bre\(\|\.patch\|\.diff\?\)\(\|\.gz\|\.bz2\|\.xz\|\.lzma\)\([ "$'\t'"]\|$\)/!d" \ -e 's/[ '$'\t''].*//' $SERIES) if [ $# -eq 1 ] then echo $1 return 0 else # We may have an exact match, which overrides # extension expansion while [ $# -gt 0 ] do if [ $1 = "$patch" ] then echo $1 return 0 fi shift done fi fi # Finding the first patch will error when the series is empty if [ -n "$(find_first_patch)" ] then printf $"Patch %s is not in series\n" "$name" >&2 fi return 1 } find_patch_in_series() { local name="$1" if [ -n "$name" ] then find_patch "$name" else find_top_patch fi } find_applied_patch() { local name="$1" if [ -n "$name" ] then local patch patch=$(find_patch "$name") || return 1 if ! is_applied "$patch" then printf $"Patch %s is not applied\n" \ "$(print_patch $patch)" >&2 return 1 fi echo "$patch" else find_top_patch fi } find_unapplied_patch() { local name="$1" if [ -n "$name" ] then local patch patch=$(find_patch "$name") || return 1 if is_applied "$patch" then printf $"Patch %s is currently applied\n" \ "$(print_patch $patch)" >&2 return 2 fi echo "$patch" else local start if start=$(top_patch) then patch_after "$start" else find_first_patch || return 2 fi if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf $"File series fully applied, ends at patch %s\n" \ "$(print_patch $start)" >&2 return 2 fi fi } file_in_patch() { local file=$1 patch=$2 [ -f "$QUILT_PC/$patch/$file" ] } files_in_patch() { local patch="$1" local path="$QUILT_PC/$patch" if [ -d "$path" ] then find "$path" -type f \ -a ! -path "$(quote_glob "$path")/.timestamp" | sed -e "s/$(quote_bre "$path")\///" fi } # Note that we can only guess which files a patch touches because of the # complicated heuristics that patch uses (see "Multiple Patches in a File" # in the diff info pages). filenames_in_patch() { local patch=$1 local patch_file=$(patch_file_name $patch) if [ -e "$patch_file" ] then local strip=$(patch_strip_level $patch) [ "$strip" = ab ] && strip=1 awk ' $1 == "+++" || $1 == "---" && $3 != "----" || \ $1 == "***" && $3 != "****" \ { sub(/\t.*/, "") if (sub(/^... /, "") == 0 || $0 == "" || $0 == "/dev/null") next for (n=0 ; n<'$strip'; n++) sub(/^[^\/]+\//, "") if (!printed[$0]++) print $0 }' $patch_file fi } files_in_patch_ordered() { local patch=$1 ( files_in_patch $patch | sort echo "-" filenames_in_patch $patch ) | awk ' $1 == "-" { out=1 ; next } !out { files[$0]=1 new_files[++n]=$0 } out { if ($0 in files) { print $0 printed[$0]=1 } } END { for (i=1; i<=n; i++) if (!(new_files[i] in printed)) print new_files[i] } ' } diff_file() { local file=$1 old_file=$2 new_file=$3 local index old_hdr old_date new_hdr new_date line : ${opt_strip_level:=1} if [ $opt_strip_level = ab ] then old_hdr=a/$file new_hdr=b/$file elif [ $opt_strip_level -eq 0 ] then old_hdr=$file.orig new_hdr=$file else local dir=$(basename $PWD) old_hdr=$dir.orig/$file new_hdr=$dir/$file fi index=$new_hdr if [ -s "$old_file" ] then [ -n "$QUILT_NO_DIFF_TIMESTAMPS" ] \ || old_date=$'\t'$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z' \ -r "$old_file") else old_file=/dev/null old_hdr=/dev/null [ -n "$QUILT_NO_DIFF_TIMESTAMPS" ] \ || old_date=$'\t'"1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000" fi if [ -e "$new_file" ] then [ -n "$QUILT_NO_DIFF_TIMESTAMPS" ] \ || new_date=$'\t'$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z' \ -r "$new_file") else [ $opt_strip_level = 0 ] \ && old_hdr=$new_hdr new_file=/dev/null new_hdr=/dev/null [ -n "$QUILT_NO_DIFF_TIMESTAMPS" ] \ || new_date=$'\t'"1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000" fi diff $QUILT_DIFF_OPTS \ --label "$old_hdr$old_date" --label "$new_hdr$new_date" \ "$old_file" "$new_file" \ | if read line then local status=0 if [[ "$line" =~ ^Binary\ files\ .*\ differ$ ]] then status=1 elif [ -z "$QUILT_NO_DIFF_INDEX" ] then echo "Index: $index" echo "===================================================================" fi echo "$line" cat return $status fi # Test the return value of diff, and propagate the error retcode if any if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} == 2 -o ${PIPESTATUS[1]} == 1 ] then printf $"Diff failed on file '%s', aborting\n" "$new_file" >&2 return 1 fi } cat_file() { local filename for filename in "$@" do if [ -e "$filename" ] then case "$filename" in *.gz|*.tgz) gzip -cd "$filename" ;; *.bz2) bzip2 -cd "$filename" ;; *.xz) xz -cd "$filename" ;; *.lzma) lzma -cd "$filename" ;; *) cat "$filename" ;; esac fi done } cat_to_new_file() { local filename=$1 backup=$2 # If the file exists, back it up if requested. Return immediately upon # failure. if [ -e "$filename" -a -n "$backup" ] then if [ -L "$filename" ] then cp -p "$filename" "$filename~" else mv "$filename" "$filename~" fi || return fi # If the destination file is a symbolic link, preserve it unless its # target is read-only. In other cases, delete the patch file first in # case it has hard links. if [ -e "$filename" -a ! \( -L "$filename" -a -w "$filename" \) ] then rm -f "$filename" fi case "$filename" in *.gz) gzip -c ;; *.bz2) bzip2 -c ;; *.xz) xz -c ;; *.lzma) lzma -c ;; *) cat ;; esac \ > "$filename" } patch_header() { awk ' /^(---|\*\*\*|Index:)[ \t][^ \t]|^diff -/ \ { exit } { print } ' } patch_body() { awk ' !body && /^(---|\*\*\*|Index:)[ \t][^ \t]|^diff -/ \ { body=1 } body { print } ' } strip_diffstat() { awk ' /#? .* \| / \ { eat = eat $0 "\n" next } /^#? .* files? changed(, .* insertions?\(\+\))?(, .* deletions?\(-\))?/ \ { eat = "" next } { print eat $0 eat = "" } ' } in_array() { local a=$1 while [ $# -gt 1 ] do shift [ "$a" = "$1" ] && return 0 done return 1 } first_modified_by() { local file=$1 patch local -a patches if [ $# -eq 0 ] then patches=( $(applied_patches) ) else shift patches=( "$@" ) fi for patch in ${patches[@]} do if [ -f "$QUILT_PC/$patch/$file" ] then echo $patch return 0 fi done return 1 } apply_patch_temporarily() { local workdir=$1 patch=$2 patch_file patch_args patch_file=$(patch_file_name "$patch") patch_args=$(patch_args "$patch") shift 2 local prefix=$QUILT_PC/$patch/ [ ${prefix:0:1} == / ] || prefix=$PWD/$prefix if ! ( cd $workdir && \ $QUILT_DIR/scripts/backup-files -B $prefix -r -k -s "${@:--}" ) then printf $"Failed to copy files to temporary directory\n" >&2 return 1 fi if [ -s $patch_file ] then if ! cat_file $patch_file \ | patch -d $workdir $QUILT_PATCH_OPTS $patch_args \ --no-backup-if-mismatch -f \ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null then # Generating a relative diff for a subset of files in # the patch will fail. Also, if a patch was force # applied, we know that it won't apply cleanly. In # all other cases, print a warning. if [ ! -e $QUILT_PC/$patch~refresh -a $# -eq 0 ] then printf $"Failed to patch temporary files\n" >&2 return 1 fi fi fi } next_filename() { local patch=$1 base num base=$(echo "$patch" \ | sed -r -e 's:(\.gz|\.bz2|\.xz|\.lzma)$::' -e 's:(\.diff?|\.patch)$::') num=$(echo "$base" | sed -nre 's:.*-([0-9]+)$:\1:'p) [ -n "$num" ] || num=1 echo "${base%-$num}-$((num+1))${patch#$base}" } create_db() { if ! [ -e $QUILT_PC ] then mkdir -p $QUILT_PC echo $DB_VERSION > $QUILT_PC/.version fi if ! [ -e $QUILT_PC/.quilt_patches ] then echo "$QUILT_PATCHES" > $QUILT_PC/.quilt_patches fi if ! [ -e $QUILT_PC/.quilt_series ] then echo "$QUILT_SERIES" > $QUILT_PC/.quilt_series fi } version_check() { [ -e $QUILT_PC ] || return 0 if [ -e $QUILT_PC/.version ] then version="$(< $QUILT_PC/.version)" if [ "$version" -gt $DB_VERSION ] then printf $"The quilt meta-data in this tree has version %s, but this version of quilt can only handle meta-data formats up to and including version %s. Please pop all the patches using the version of quilt used to push them before downgrading.\n" "$version" "$DB_VERSION" >&2 exit 1 elif [ "$version" = $DB_VERSION ] then return 0 fi fi return 1 } consistency_check() { local top applied patches top=$(top_patch) applied=$(applied_before "$top") patches=$(patches_before "$top") if [ "$applied" != "$patches" ] then return 1 else # Skip check until series file is modified again touch "$DB" return 0 fi } print_patch() { echo "${QUILT_PATCHES_PREFIX:+$SUBDIR_DOWN$QUILT_PATCHES/}$1" } # Generate a format suitable to print patch names with printf patch_format() { local prefix=${QUILT_PATCHES_PREFIX:+$SUBDIR_DOWN$QUILT_PATCHES/} echo -n "${prefix/\%/%%}%s" } setup_colors() { local C=diff_hdr=32:diff_add=36:diff_mod=35:diff_rem=35:diff_hunk=33:diff_ctx=35:diff_cctx=33:patch_offs=33:patch_fuzz=35:patch_fail=31:series_app=32:series_top=33:series_una=00:clear=00 [ -n "$QUILT_COLORS" ] && C="$C:$QUILT_COLORS" C=${C//=/=\'$'\e'[} C=color_${C//:/m\'; color_}m\' eval $C } quilt_command() { local command=$1 shift # Refreshing here must produce the same output as "quilt refresh" on # the command line export QUILT_NO_DIFF_INDEX export QUILT_NO_DIFF_TIMESTAMPS QUILT_COMMAND="" bash $BASH_OPTS -c "${SUBDIR:+cd $SUBDIR;} . $QUILT_DIR/$command" "quilt $command" "$@" } check_external_tool() { local tool=$1 package=$2 options=$3 local command=$QUILT_COMMAND [ -n "$options" ] && command="$command $options" if ! type "$tool" &> /dev/null then printf $"You have to install '%s' (from package %s) to use 'quilt %s'\n" \ "$tool" "$package" "$command" >&2 exit 1 fi } declare pager_fifo pager_fifo_dir pager_pid wait_for_pager() { exec >&- wait $pager_pid rm $pager_fifo 2>/dev/null rmdir $pager_fifo_dir 2>/dev/null } wait_for_pager_signal() { remove_exit_handler wait_for_pager wait_for_pager trap - INT HUP TERM QUIT } # Spawn pager process and redirect the rest of our output to it setup_pager() { test -t 1 || return 0 # QUILT_PAGER = QUILT_PAGER | GIT_PAGER | PAGER | less -R # NOTE: QUILT_PAGER='' is significant QUILT_PAGER=${QUILT_PAGER-${GIT_PAGER-${PAGER-less -R}}} [ -z "$QUILT_PAGER" -o "$QUILT_PAGER" = "cat" ] && return 0 export LESS="${LESS:-FRSX}" # NOTE: with "exec > >($pager)" there is no way to get the pid of the # pager so we can't wait for it to complete. Otherwise we wouldn't # need temporary files here. Alternatively, in recent versions of # bash, a coprocess could be used instead. pager_fifo_dir="$(gen_tempfile -d)" pager_fifo="$pager_fifo_dir/0" mkfifo -m 600 "$pager_fifo" $QUILT_PAGER < "$pager_fifo" & pager_pid=$! exec > "$pager_fifo" trap wait_for_pager_signal INT HUP TERM QUIT add_exit_handler wait_for_pager } # # If the working directory does not contain a $QUILT_PATCHES directory, # quilt searches for its base directory up the directory tree. If no # $QUILT_PATCHES directory exists, the quilt operations that create # patches will create $QUILT_PATCHES in the current working directory. # # When quilt is invoked from a directory below the base directory, it # changes into the base directory, and sets $SUBDIR to the relative # path from the base directory to the directory in which it was # invoked. (e.g., if quilt is invoked in /usr/src/linux/drivers/net # and the base direcory is /usr/src/linux, $SUBDIR is set to # drivers/net/. unset SUBDIR SUBDIR_DOWN if ! [ -d "$QUILT_PC" -o -d "${QUILT_PATCHES:-patches}" ] then basedir=$PWD while [ -n "$basedir" ] do basedir=${basedir%/*} down=$down../ if [ -d "$basedir/$QUILT_PC" -o -d "$basedir/${QUILT_PATCHES:-patches}" ] then SUBDIR="${PWD#$basedir/}/" SUBDIR_DOWN=$down if ! cd $basedir/ then printf $"Cannot change into parent directory %s/\n" "$basedir" >&2 exit 1 fi break fi done unset basedir down fi if [ -r $QUILT_PC/.quilt_patches ] then QUILT_PATCHES=$(< $QUILT_PC/.quilt_patches) else : ${QUILT_PATCHES:=patches} fi if [ -r $QUILT_PC/.quilt_series ] then QUILT_SERIES=$(< $QUILT_PC/.quilt_series) else : ${QUILT_SERIES:=series} fi if [ "${QUILT_SERIES:0:1}" = / ] then SERIES=$QUILT_SERIES elif [ -f $QUILT_PC/$QUILT_SERIES ] then SERIES=$QUILT_PC/$QUILT_SERIES elif [ -f $QUILT_SERIES ] then SERIES=$QUILT_SERIES else SERIES=$QUILT_PATCHES/$QUILT_SERIES fi DB="$QUILT_PC/applied-patches" if [ -z "$skip_version_check" ] then if ! version_check then printf $"The working tree was created by an older version of quilt. Please run 'quilt upgrade'.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi # Check if series file was modified manually, and if this is the case, # make sure it is still consistent with the applied patches if [ -s "$DB" -a ! "$DB" -nt "$SERIES" ] && [ "$QUILT_COMMAND" != pop ] && ! consistency_check then printf $"The series file no longer matches the applied patches. Please run 'quilt pop -a'.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi fi ### Local Variables: ### mode: shell-script ### End: # vim:filetype=sh